Tuesday, May 30, 2006

roller blader cosplay, confusion, fatigue, and im still alive

ola! im still alive. i actually skipped work today because of fatigue and my body was forcing me to take a rest. my back was aching yesterday and it was worsened by the heavy traffic in longos area on my way home. i was riding the jeep and it was dusty, hot, and the seats were bad.

so today, i took a decent rest and spent my time watching japanese hentai and checking on some emails. i hope my body was able to recuperate.

tomorrow is payday! i'll be getting my first cheque for my 3rd contract heehee. im still confused whether i can leave by august or not.

anyway, here are some photos taken last weekend. my lot (beside my sister's new house) has a nipa hut already, my mom bought it for a resting place. so we whored around the camera of course with the hut as the background.

azrael coladilla is still nuts about me asking too many questions but hey, these are important questions for me to decide whether i should be serious serious or just serious. haha i hope you get that. part of me seems to feel like i dont know him at all and he's a total stranger ( he's confusing as hell and would blurt out facts about his past that are horrible, sometimes he would blurt out stuff that would offend any girlfriend in the planet like how he digs angel locsin because she's a bombshell... and duh what do u think of me? a shell without the bomb?)

and the child in me feels like he's my hero and father ahahaha,

and the hentai part of me doesn't give a damn.

anyway, enough of bf shit, im learning how to use the rollerblades!!! this has been my dream since gradeschool and azrael teaches me every afternoon how to use them and im getting better each day :)


Ed said...

OMG! Hahaha. I wish I could post Anne's arse like that too. :P

Nice pix. ;)

Lace Llanora said...

haha thank you ;)

chompy said...

I don't think Az thinks of you as the shell without the bomb! ;)

Honestly, I haven't seen Az as happy and as healthy (grabe ang TLC mo!) before you guys hooked up.

If things really are going to be serious serious, I'm glad for you guys and wish you all the best. :)

Lace Llanora said...


ahaha im loving ur comments. well i hope that's true :D

he's healthy yeah.. big tummy, cuddly... i wanna go home ahahaaha

chompy said...

well, you post very interesting stuff, i'm addicted! ;)

whoever said boyfriends with big tummies are not for cuddling doesn't know what they're missing! :D

shh.. secret ito, L has love handles too. :D