Sunday, December 31, 2006

Paparazzi Shots and KIDDIE monsters from Dolphin Show

First of all, i came to the dolphin show because i want to be kind to my mom. Instead of bringing our toddler nephews or nieces, i'd rather that we go by ourselves. BUT the whole event was excruciating. WHY? there are millions of wailing kids around me kicking, jumping, throwing tantrums, and trying to get attention. i liked kids before, now i only like some of them. my eyes were opened by my officemate who believed that kids are monsters and he doesn't know why people choose to have them. i observed, and i must say that it is true. the kid behind my back kept on kicking and i was hit 99% of the time. i know i shouldn't be in there but parents please, im begging you in behalf of the whole population to train your kids how to behave.

inside the mall, there are still swarms of kids all over just like critters (movie). there were kids inside the CR pissing on the sink (because they can't hold it) to the dismay of the janitress. inside the groceries, parents still brought their kids even when they knew that the place will be crowded. the monsters were on humongous strollers that created traffic.

i am not being mean to kids, in fact, what i am saying benefits their safety and welfare.

the DOLPHINS SHOULD BE FREED. dolphins are not meant to shoot balls and do mathematics. there was a time during the show that i clearly saw the trainer SLAP the dolphin because it failed to do the trick. they say these dolphins are lucky they have caretakers. DOLPHINS don't need caretakers. they have plenty of food in the ocean and need not put a trick in order to eat. DOLPHINS are not meant to fly in airplanes and swim inside a pool. PARENTS were disobedient to TURN THEIR CAMERA FLASH off. it hurts the dolphins and causes them to have spasms. stupid people. i commend the host for being brave and confiscating the cameras of those who used flash and calling out these people during the show. Talk about being embarrassed in front of your children! HA-HA!

i hope i somehow get my message across. i feel bad that i contributed 400 pesos to watch animal cruelty and sit with annoying children.


Gabriel Cuesta said...

I like kids too, I hope to have mine very soon :), and I hope to educate them well.

I only have gone one time in my life to watch dolphins and I didn't notice that they were mistreated. But as you I prefer to watch animals free, I don't like to see them into cages (or swiming pools).

kingina said...

Dolphins and Kikkoman *yum*