Saturday, December 01, 2007

Stumble Upon - Social Media

First there was Friendster then Facebook, and now you can share not just your profile but also your favorite bookmarked websites. And you don't bookmark them on your browser but in a social platform called Stumble Upon.

I just created an account and it looks bright and shiny for social bookmarking websites. The internet is expanding along with websites like top usa online casinos that reviews other online casinos, but what better way to get a relevant website than those voted for by the internet users themselves?

My favorite sites to stumble upon are the gadgets just like this website that showcases the future of technology?

photo from, just one of the future gadgets that were featured. It's a cellphone that has a projector! beat that!

I am still learning to use it (Stumble Upon) just like Facebook, and i am dedicating my weekend to keep up with IT! and maybe go to Duty Free later with my sister. What a lovely weekend!


Chapter 6 said...

If yer going to Duty Free again, willya get me some Davidoff Magnums. Costs a lot, I know, but the taste? Fookin great!