Thursday, April 05, 2007

Philippine Blog Awards

We were there! It was on a Saturday night and I went with Azrael and Michelle. The venue
was great ^^ there was also food but i wasn't able to get some ahahaha, i was really hungry that's why i noticed. But i went home with Krispy Kreme giftcheques! weee : )

Another reason why this event rocked is that Bryanboy was there! I can't believe that i already have a photo with him and im so happy : ) look! both of us are wearing black ^___^

Azrael's Merryland and Suzaku_lace

I still look like I was ran over a million elephants ahahaha but it's okay since we had tons of fun. Meeting the faces behind the different blogs was cool. I also liked that the pacing was fast and the awarding was really efficient. can't wait to attend the next event from the organizers ^^