Friday, June 05, 2009

Life is but a Dream?

And I am back to the Philippines! It feels very weird and I already miss everything about Melbourne. It has just been 3 hours since I landed, the weather here is super windy with the clouds hiding and unhiding the sun in an unusually very fast manner, like disco lights.

Like Joni and Liza, I feel the withdrawal syndromes already. I feel like I just woke up from a dream and my house even after just barely 2 months, seem weird to me. No trams are visible from the window, no Myer and David Jones, and most of all no Anya, Joni, and Vincent. Joni and Vincent are so cool because they have different TV series which we marathon every night.

My heart is broken everytime I remind myself of Anya and I's last DVD, just hours before we left. Bottle Top Bill and Jojo the Clown.

Whereas, I was excited to reach Manila already because there is no place like home. One cannot really have everything! I can only wish to merge two worlds like a Suzaku ahahaha :)

Anyway, I am not expecting so much from my return. I may or may not have a new work to get busy with but I know that another travel adventure awaits me and my family. Oh Mama, what are we to do without you?

Here's more that I miss - Joni's water bottle, their mini sink which makes washing dishes loonngggerrr, their Brita water purifier, the futon I sleep on everynight on the floor with the Lightning McQueen pillow, lattes everywhere, and the winter season.

Now I know why an anonymous writer said Life is but a dream, that is certainly how I feel now.

Wahhhh!!! I miss Melbourne already, if only I can transport everything and everyone I love back there.

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