Friday, June 05, 2009

Photos and Tokens

I am not going to stop writing or else my heart is going to explode. Just started unpacking and every token I have just brings me to tears! I know, I hate drama but as much as I want to stick tissue inside my eyeballs, I can't.

It's such a wonder how time and relativity are. All that's left of the past are tokens and photos. I miss Anya so much already. I know during my stay there were times I'd rather surf the Internet than play Little Ponies with her and maybe that was because I just wanted to be normal. Pretend that time is not ticking away.

Anya grows so fast and it's so sad I can only see her every year. I told her stories of how we were whilst she was small. Watching cartoons and dvds all day. Every night in Melbourne we watched lots of movies before she goes to bed. Madagascar, Ice Age, and our favorite Lion King 1 and 2. I wish now I can just go back and watch more movies with her. I miss her more than I miss anybody else.

Anya likes California Maki like me, we both love desserts and both of us like pretending to be lions of the Pride Land. We sing Lion King songs in chorus and I've taught her silly dance steps. I promise I shall be back for Christmas Anya.

Joni is right, maybe our tears will flow for 7 days non-stop. I also miss Vincent already, I would have loved to take every invitation you gave to dine in different restos and have lattes everywhere. Now I want to knock myself on the head for all the things I missed while I was there.

I said I missed my bed, my bedroom, some persons, but after seeing all of these things back home - they are just that. things.

I love you all! I love you Anya <3

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