Here's news for you Mickey Mouse, bloggers have been helping Ondoy victims to be rescued as early as Saturday afternoon doh. In this time of disaster, it would help if politicians would just shut up and do their part rather than protect their interest.
Twitter and Facebook became tools to save people, mobilize relief goods, and register for volunteerism. If not for the heavy duty 24/hour online dudes which includes celebrities and pinoy bloggers - the turn out of donations, news updates, and rescue will not be as high. It isn't really correct to discuss this now but my head is steaming from what I read in newspapers that someone said how "bloggers should do their part". Now let me update you with volunteer and relief efforts this Wednesday.
Yesterday, I went to Balay Cubao instead to drop off clothes and register to help. I didn't make it to Enderun for some reasons including that I read how they lack ingredients to cook and donations to pack. So please continue to send relief goods and ingredients to Mega Tent in Pasig today.
I am going back to Balay today to help around the kitchen, hopefully I will not get lost like what happened to me yesterday.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Update: Bloggers Help Ondoy Victims
Monday, September 28, 2009
Cook for Ondoy Victims
Finally I found my agenda for tomorrow! Will wake up early to go to Enderun to help chop and cook food for Ondoy victims. I haven't slept since 11pm yesterday because I am so bothered by this disaster that I have to do something.
Successfully dropped off goods at Team Manila earlier.
I have no more clothes or food to give so I can only offer my time and service tomorrow. If my sister raids her closet now, I can still bring some more clothes to any drop off centers. God help us all.
You too can just drop by at Enderun College at The Fort to bring ingredients or to help cook food as well, this is 24 hours so you can drop by anytime.
2AM Two Days after Ondoy
I still cannot sleep properly with images inside my head of the tragedy that was. I just finished raiding my closet and toiletries that I will deliver later to one of the drop off points for Ondoy victims.
I have an exam later at 9AM and after that, I might volunteer somewhere to help sort goods or whatever. This disaster is huge, unimaginable, and the worst I have seen in my life. Lots of people are still stuck in their roof, no food and water, and after this, they have nothing.
I especially feel terrible for the poor who has yet to survive this when they already have nothing to begin with. If you think you have nothing to give, think again. You can donate lots of things or simply your time. Get others to move and help, we cannot depend on anyone else now but ourselves. I pray to God that whatever lesson we have to learn from here, we should remember so that this does not need to happen again. I am very mad at the negligence of both the government and public with the water system and garbage but this is not the time to blame or point fingers though.
See you at the evacuation centers.
Posted by Lace Llanora at 2:08 AM 0 Comments
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Mayweather wins over Marquez, Pacquiao Next?
I have been waiting for this big fight of Marquez vs. Mayweather, the latter has retired but decided to come back. When Pacquiao fought against Marquez - I didn't like Marquez of course but today I wanted Marquez to win.
Mayweather is in tip top shape in all departments and I heard he runs at 1 in the morning, wow. Hats off to all fighters who work hard for victory. Question is, will Pacquiao and Mayweather be the next pair on the ring?
Intense post fight interview Mayweather vs. Shane Mosley
Not only did Mayweather win against Marquez but also over Max Kellerman during his post fight interview which was pure intensity when Shane Mosley came into the picture. Here is the complete video because it wasn't shown on local TV. Looks like Manny Pacquiao's name didn't get Floyd's attention at all, we'll see!
Thanks for a great game Marquez and Mayweather!
Posted by Lace Llanora at 2:00 PM 0 Comments
Labels: manny pacquiao, marquez, mayweather, post fight interview
More Krispy Kreme Love
Two weeks ago, we were able to treat friends at Krispy Kreme. Sharing KK love with friends was fun, each of them were treated to two doughnuts and a drink of their choice. Then I went home again with Krispy Kreme boxes for my family.
Last Thursday, my day was tiring but look at what Krispy Kreme sent over to their Jaka Branch for us. Azrael and I were at the same branch killing some time :) This is the new Final Four doughnuts celebrating the camaraderie of the UAAP.
Of course, DLSU was not present this time but Ateneo was. I ate Ateneo first! Rivalry aside, all the doughnuts tasted good. Unlike what I usually enjoy like the Chocolate Glazed, Original Glazed, and Snickers Doughnut (my new favorite) - the Final Four doughnuts has a cakey texture that is fun to eat. The doughnut is heavier than normal and goes down perfectly with their signature latte that I always have in super large.
My family especially my Krispy Kreme Fanatic sister Liza was super happy to eat the rest of the batch. Thank you Krispy Kreme for ALWAYS sending our favorite doughnuts! Go now and try the Final Four before they are gone ^___^
Mission accomplished
Posted by Lace Llanora at 2:11 AM 3 Comments
Labels: doughnuts, final four, food, krispy kreme
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Table Manners
In attending food events, I have plenty in a week - I just had enough of other people's table manners last night. The food was great, the ambiance is serene and clean but when the food came and everyone was ready to fork in, I heard the word "orgy" being repeated many times.
They were referring to the food being "raped" with their forks. At first, I just ignored it but I heard the magic word "orgy" so many times coupled with maniacal laughter. This is the worst action anyone can present to an event that is intended for many people who want to seriously taste and review food items.
It just made my appetite even less. There is another thing though - when I looked on my left (after leaving the table), I saw someone playing Japanese AV idol videos that showed boobs outpouring from a bikini. The device was mounted on something unlike usually, someone will just enjoy the video by themselves, in their private space.
If there was a council - I wish there was, these people who act like superstars because they think they are, would have been already kicked out of the blogosphere.
Posted by Lace Llanora at 6:03 PM 2 Comments
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Krispy Kreme Snickers
Look what Krispy Kreme sent!
Irresistible Krispy Kreme Snickers!
And next week, I am going to bring my family to a Krispy Kreme branch to try these snickers doughnut one more time.
Chocolate glazed with the right amount of Snickers chunks.
Oh I wish Anya was here to enjoy it, I think the best Krispy Kreme doughnuts are in Manila :P
These are so good, they actually replace the Original Glazed Doughnut as my favorite. You might think it is too sweet or chocolate-y but no. This variant only makes the Chocolate Glazed Doughnuts even better! Still, it is best with a cup of coffee - the stronger, the better.
Thank you Krispy Kreme!
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Like an Ipo-Ipo
St. Paul School Makati instant Reunion. My new PR Manager, stylist, business partner, etc - Mark Lamer
Ipo-ipo or hurricane, that's what my days are like these days. Like what I always say, when I plan - fate beats the hell out of me. Yesterday was one of those days that I didn't expect to be super busy. I had events to attend in Makati, an instant interview, and a meeting over a midnight latte. My day ended at UCC with a heap of tapsilog. Not complaining here but I am proud I am accomplishing so many things at once.
Tonight I met one of my childhood dreams, Rajo Laurel and because it wasn't expected my phone died on me. Had to borrow a video phone to commence my video blog with him. Before that, I tried a new eatery in Ortigas and ran to Eastwood City.
Weee! This could go on forever but just to give you a glimpse of what life puts on my plate these days. Lots of surprises and dreams coming true. Hope all of you are good as well.
Visit, the reason why I am slaving myself to death. I also wish I have my own professional photographer so all my photos look great in the right angle x.x
Posted by Lace Llanora at 12:34 AM 0 Comments